Open Atelier Publications

The occasion of the celebration of its 100th anniversary, Einar Jónsson Museum organized its first Open Atelier Experience. This multi-layered event elaborated the history of the institution and unfolded new narrations around its contents and collections through innovative audience-centered activities.

This Experience was the object of a publication, authored by the director of the museum, AlmaDís Kristinsdóttir, and published on the journal Félag íslenskra safna og safnafólks (FÍSOS), in the Fall 2023 issue. The article, "Aldarafmæli Listasafns Einars Jónssonar og hvað svo?" (The Einar Jónsson’s Sculpture Museum’s centenary, and then what?), gave an insight into the public event that turned into a self-reflexive moment about the future of the institution.


OA Experiences in the making: Forthcoming Hackathon at Plečnik House  


Sharing the preliminary outcomes of the Open Atelier Workshop at POLIMI